
customized pelvic floor


physiotherapy for Pelvic floor in Victoria, BC, emphasis on lower back pain, pregnancy, SI Joint issues

At Physica Health, we offer a custom approach for pelvic floor health and dysfunction. Our goal is to empower all females to take care of their pelvic health. We will be sensitive to your needs, and always provide treatment in a respectful and caring environment.


pelvic health rehab

During the Initial Assessment, we will sit down and take a detailed history. We will discuss areas of previous medical history, any medication you are currently taking, obstetric history, pelvic health and your treatment goals.

A physical exam can involve an internal (vaginal or rectal exam) or an external exam. Our goal is for you to be as comfortable as possible. The physiotherapist will discuss with you both options. The physiotherapist can assess muscle tone, strength and tension of pelvic structures.

At Physica, we offer a custom approach for female pelvic floor health and dysfunction. Our goal is to empower all females to take care of their pelvic health

Outcome measures are also used which can help us progress your recovery. An exercise programme will be included in every session.

Some conditions that we treat:

  • Pre -natal and post pregnancy health

  • Urinary incontinence and bladder health e.g overactive bladder

  • Post-op bladder surgery

  • Low back pain, SI joint pain or pelvic pain

  • Diastasis Recti tears/pain

  • Pelvic organ prolapse

  • Vulvar pain

  • Pain during intercourse


comprehensive pelvic health history

We will start with a thorough history which will be the basis going forward to help our treatment plan. This will guide us to offer a proper diagnosis and prognosis for optimum recovery.


Pelvic floor assessment and treatment

The Physiotherapist is trained in both internal and external examination of the pelvic girdle. They will discuss with you to make sure that you are comfortable and to answer any questions you might have.


personalized treatment plan

This is the most important part of the rehabilitation process. A plan of action will be undertaken, with the patients’ goals in mind, to make sure treatment is effective in the most efficient manner.

pelvic floor health faq


What can I expect during a session?

The therapist will discuss your needs, by taking a detailed history. Treatment can involve internal/external procedures to help with your recovery.

The physiotherapist will discuss this in detail with you, so please bring any questions you might have!

I have not seen my doctor. Can you still see me?

Yes, a physiotherapist can assess and treat without a doctor referral.

Our Physiotherapists are highly trained in diagnosis and prognosis, so they can provide you with complete care in your recovery.


Is Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy covered under my Insurance?

Yes, all pelvic floor physiotherapy assessment and treatment is performed by a registered Physiotherapist. We can even direct bill to most insurance providers!


I am pregnant.

Can you help me?

At Physica Health, we offer pelvic floor health throughout the whole pregnancy period, and can see you both during prenatal time and during the postpartum period.


Can I make an appointment if I have my period?

Yes, it will not affect the assessment or treatment. As long as you are comfortable, we are happy to see you during this time.


What are some of the techniques you use?

Some techniques that we use include pelvic floor muscular retraining, biofeedback, manual therapy, advice and education.

Can I bring someone to the session with me?

Yes, you can bring anyone with you for support. Any questions they might have, we will do our best to help by providing education and knowledge on pelvic health.


questions? we’re happy to answer them.
